by Scott201 | May 26, 2023
Karaoke Thursday Post 201 is held in Post 201’s Club Room for members and their guests. Come in and enjoy an amazingly-fun night! Great voices not required…just a fun attitude. Every genre of music from Sinatra to Johnny Cash to Jimmy Buffett to Smash...
by Scott201 | May 26, 2023
Karaoke Thursday Post 201 is held in Post 201’s Club Room for members and their guests. Come in and enjoy an amazingly-fun night! Great voices not required…just a fun attitude. Every genre of music from Sinatra to Johnny Cash to Jimmy Buffett to Smash...
by Scott201 | Apr 27, 2023
Monday Music Trivia with Lisa takes place every Monday. To sweeten Music Trivia light snacks will be available and there will be a prize for the winner. So drop by Monday evening, but remember…don’t shout out the answer!
by Scott201 | Apr 26, 2023
Executive Committee Meeting for American Legion Post 201 will be held.
by Scott201 | Apr 25, 2023
SAL Member Meeting held for Sons of American Legion every 4th Tuesday at Post 201. Dinners is served at 6:30pm before the 7:30pm meeting.