Roswell Rotary Club Honors Vets
With Washington D.C. Trip, April 9
The Rotary Club in Roswell, Ga., has announced plans to honor World War II, Korea and Vietnam veterans with a day-long trip to Washington, D.C. on Wed., April 9. This will be the 11th “Honor Air” trip the club has sponsored. This year’s trip anticipates honoring 80 veterans.
While in Washington, veterans will visit the World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Lincoln memorials. The day will conclude at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery to see the Changing of the Guard ceremony. There is no cost to veterans who make the trip. Guardians who travel with individual veterans are expected to cover their expenses which are $45 per person.
Click here for more details about the trip, and to download applications to participate. To visit the “Honor Air” page on the Roswell Rotary Club’s web site, click here.
Welcome Veterans and Friends
Founded in 1947, Post 201 is located at 201 Wills Road, Alpharetta, GA, 30009 and occupies 13 acres. It exists to serve the country’s war veterans and is home to a memorial that pays tribute to U.S. veterans, as well as the families and friends of Georgians who served our country and defended freedom.
Calendar of events
Walk of Memories
Located at 201 Wills Road in Alpharetta, Georgia, Post 201 is home to the only memorial of its kind in Georgia that pays tribute to U.S. veterans who served in conflicts including the Indian War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Veterans, family and friends are invited through a walkway of almost 8,000 bricks inscribed with the names of Georgians who served in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard. A collection of military equipment adds to this moving experience.
Do you know someone who has served our country?
Have them come to Alpharetta, GA, and step into a by-gone era flanked with true Americana to celebrate the history and heritage that allows us the freedoms we experience each and every day. Remember that freedom is never free. Gather the family for a visit to the Walk of Memories today!